Monday, February 6, 2012

Day Five-C'est Fini

At last I have reached the end of my project.  I think five days might just be a record for some people!  This "test" house was to see if I truly did want to get involved with building structures for little people.  Guess what?  I DO!!!  Enjoy the bling, I had a blast making it so insanely pink!  The DuraCraft Heritage is next on the list!

Day Four-Almost there

Day four brought me so close to the end that I wanted to stay up and finish it.  Unfortunately, waiting on the glue takes too long.  So I slept, dreaming everything pink and anxiously waiting to finish my first Miniature Project

Day Three-The details begin

Day three was so exciting because I was able to see some serious progress and also add my own little touches here and there.  The carpet is fuzzy pink!

Day Two-The real work begins

I followed the directions exactly, without using any of my own creativity (well, only a little bit).  The house is now three dimensional!

Day One

In the beginning there was pink . . . I just HAD to do a completely pink and girly dollhouse for my first one ever!  Here are the pics from my first day's work.